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the roots go abroad

In a matter of weeks the roots of Driving Route 9 will board a plane across the ocean to Dublin. It is primarily up to us to determine how the next year will run its course. Primarily dependent upon our ideas, patience, work ethic, and drive, while the rest is up to the universe. This next series of events will be monumental to our musical project, while making as many connections as we can, getting feedback, and soaking in support from people all over the world, collaborating ideas and talents. Barry and I, along with Ira and 7 University of Delaware students, one of which is Barry’s oldest daughter, Devin, will all have a piece of this grand adventure in our hearts and memories forever. In this open book, only a preface is written, an introduction to our success with the first year’s work of writing and promoting our original music. On March 22nd, we head to Donegal for 5 days to reset our clocks and breathe in the sweet musk of the Irish Atlantic, and then to Dublin again for our musical pursuits. Together, Barry, Ira and I will enter a recording studio in Ireland in hopes of coming back to the states with a completely original Irish fiddle track on four of our songs. I am almost wary of picturing it in my head, although I am quite the dreamer, planner, once not being able to recognize the line between my own ambitious expectations and reality. I am learning to plan as I go, think on my feet, and love every minute. We often define ourselves by the categories of projects we endure, and belittle ourselves when there are no current pursuits. Adventure, however, is not defined by one certain type of pursuit. By far, the most difficult, emotional, yet satisfying adventure I have chased is that of creativity and originality. I am not in this alone, we sit together often and stoke the embers beneath a slowly growing flame. We know not how widespread the fire will burn, but it will at least always wholly engulf the two of us.

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